1970 born in Mödling, Vienna
-Dramaschool at the Conservatory for Music and Performing arts Vienna (Diploma with distinction)
-Studies of Psychology at the University of Vienna and the Alpen Adria University of Klagenfurt( Mag.a.phil./MA)
further Education:
-Mask building and masked acting: Walter Koch
-Technique 6 ways of action: Richard Nieoczym
-Technique 5-Rhythms: Gabrielle Roth
-Technique authentic movement : Klaudia Ahrer
-Technique contact improvisation: Miguel Gaspar
-Technique Biomechanics: Sergej Ostrenko
-Learner of a two-year E.U. research project – Theater from the start!! Theater from 2 years! – in Salzburg, Villach, Bologna und Berlin. www.theatervonanfangan.de
-Theater seminar for theater pedagogues and actors with and without impediments at the theater Hora in Zürich www.hora.ch
-Train-the-trainer seminar: Culture is political – intercultural political didactic in adult training at the Austrian society for political education www.politischebildung.at
-Summerschool for filmanimation and prop-making at Forkbeardfantasies in the waterslade studios/Bristol. www.forkbeardfantasy.co.uk
1994 Young Artists Award of the city of Vienna
2009 Award for Performative Arts of Carinthia
2019 Cultural Medal of Honor by the city of Villach
2021 Funding Price by Mozarteum Salzburg
Award winning productions (given by the Austrian Ministry of Culture and Arts BmuKK)
2011 for the production RäuberN
2012 on the occasion of the outstanding award for intercultural dialogue as induced by the production 12//schau.räume
2012 the production Kiki – die Vermessung einer Frau
2012 the production Immer noch Sturm
2013 the production Soll und Haben
Engagements as an actress:
Since 1995:
Volksoper/ Vienna,
Theater Houses
Schlossparktheater/ Berlin,
Stadttheater/ Bozen/ Baden/ Klagenfurt/ Mödling,
Theater für Kinder/München,
Theater am Mirabellplatz/Salzburg,
Theater Drachengasse/Wien,
TTZ Graz,
Center for Coreography/ CCB Bleiburg
Regular participation at national and international theater festivals
Diverse Readings (Literature) for the Austrian national radio station Ö1
Engagements for film and TV productions, eg. for Barbara Albert and Niki List.
Engagements as a director:
Interdisciplinary directing approaches, as well as integrative and participative theater productions:
-at the theater neuebuehnevillach:
2003 „The Animal Human“ („Das Tier Mensch“) by Desmond Morris, a multimedia dance piece
2004 „The Angels Are Grunting“ („Es grunzen die Engel“) after Wilhelm Busch,
a multimedia dance piece
2005 „Orlando“ after Virginia Woolf, a multimedia dance piece
2006 „Bambiland“ by Elfriede Jelinek, a musictheater production
2007 „Fractured borders“ – performance developed and performed by women diagnosed with breast cancer
2008 „How to Grab Wishes by its Tail“ („Wie man die Wünsche am Schwanz packt“) by Pablo Picasso, puppet theater
2009 „Our Parents‘ Sexual Neuroses“ („die sexuellen Neurosen unserer Eltern“) by Lukas Bärfuß, a mask theater piece
2010 „w.a.t.e.r a Piece Helen Keller“ („w.a.s.s.e.r ein Stück Helen Keller“) a multi-media theater production with blind and deaf people in the main roles
2011 „The Robbers“ after Friedrich Schiller, mask theater piece in public space with participation of forumtheater after Augusto Boal
2013 "Romeo and Juliet-love me queer!" by William Shakespeare in front of an register ofifce as an open air production
2014 "the mentor" by Daniel Kehlmann/neuebuehnevillach
2017 "HOMO" by Emre Akal/neuebuehenvillach
-2011 “show.Rooms” (“schau.Räume”) – an interdisciplinary format in public space in Villach/ focus on migration
-2011 Long Night of Dance in Bleiburg/Pliberk, a dance project in a cinema, a theater, a museum and public spaces
-2012 “12//show.Rooms” (12//schau.Räume) in Villach and Klagenfurt – an interdisciplinary format in public space/focus on deportation
-2012 „One Turn and Back“ („einmal Drehen und zurück“), kuddelmuddel /Linz, a dance piece for kids at the age of 2
-2013 "Korenina : Root" ("Korenina:Wurzel"), a dance piece, POSTHOF Linz
-2013 "B:ORDERS"-Long Night of Dance in Bleiburg/Pliberk, a dance project in a cinema, a theater, a museum and public spaces
-2014 "Fascia. a catalogue of works" a dance piece, tanzhafenfestival Linz
-2014 "show.Rooms_global" an interdisciplinary format in public space/focus on feminism, in Rumania/Tirgu Mures
-2014 "who knows....?" an interactive dancepiece with music for children from the age of 4 to 10, kuddelmuddel /Linz
-2015 „ Wer_te. Wie_te, was_te ?/Values? Workshop, Lecture and Performance/German School in Doha/Qatar
-2015 „against the rock“ storytellingproject with live trickfilmanimation with and for children/Lesezeichenfestival Villach
-2015 “show.Rooms-regional” (“schau.Räume”) – an interdisciplinary format in public space/ focus on –queer-/www.schau.raeume.cc/Villach/Austria
-2015/2016 “show.Rooms-lokal” (“schau.Räume”) – an interdisciplinary format in public space/ focus on –biographies and storytelling-/www.schau.raeume.cc/Villach/Austria
-2017 “show.Rooms-regional” (“schau.Räume”) – an interdisciplinary format in public space/ focus on –Fear-/www.schau.raeume.cc/Klagenfurt/Austria
-2017 “show.Rooms-global” (“schau.Räume”) – an interdisciplinary format in public space/ focus on –Racism-/www.schau.raeume.cc/ Cusco/Peru
-2018 “show.Rooms-lokal” (“schau.Räume”) – an interdisciplinary format in public space/ focus on –biographies and storytelling-/www.schau.raeume.cc/Villach/Austria
-2018 “show.Rooms-regional” (“schau.Räume”) – an interdisciplinary format in public space/ focus on –Fear-/www.schau.raeume.cc/Spittal/Austria
-2018 “show.Rooms-lokal” (“schau.Räume”) – an interdisciplinary format in public space/ focus on –biographies and storytelling-/www.schau.raeume.cc/Villach/Austria
-2019 show.Rooms-lokal”: „Biographical fem path I und II“ -an interdisciplinary format in public space/ focus on – feminist biographies and storytelling-/www.schau.raeume.cc/Villach/Austria
-2020 schau.Räume_regional: "Abwunderung" an interdisciplinary format in public space/ focus on –Migration-/www.schau.raeume.cc/Spittal/Austria and Ferlach/Borovlje/Austria
-2019-2021 artistic Researchprojekt " Mapping the Unseen" Realisations in Austria, Croatia, Bangaldesh and Iran. In empty disused shops and businessrooms and in public space.
-2022 "Anne Bonny- weil sie Normen Brecht". A queer Lovestory. Kammerspiele Klagenfurt Celovec.
-2022 "We have (not) seen this already". A fictious programm. Intervention in and around the Stadttheater Klagenfurt, part of the Langen Nacht der Frauen by KD Barba.
-2023 "Lets make a scene about it" A staged reserach project including interviews of 26 actresses and female* acting students. neubuehnevillach and Kosmostheater Vienna.
Artistic Direction:
2002-2007 neuebuehnevillach. www.neuebuehnevillach.at
2003-2019 theater festival Spectrum. www.festivalspectrum.com
2011-13 Center for Choreography. www.ccb-tanzt.at
2019-2021 project leader of a FWF artistic research project, www.mappingtheunseen.com
since 2019 durch:formen. www.durchformen.com
since 2012 schau.Räume. www.schau.raeume.cc
deputy Expert Council for Performative Arts in Carinthia
2010/11/12 Lecture: University Klagenfurt (Department Psychology)
2012 Lecture: -Mindchange-Congress Villach
2013 lecture Performance: Tanzlabor Klagenfurt
2013 lecture Performance: college of higher education carinthia (Feldkirchen)
2013 Diskussion: Theaterfestival Spectrum Villach
2013 Presenation: University Aarhus/Denmark
2014 Lecture: University Brno/Czech Republic ( Department Social Sciences)
2015 Lectureship and Presentation: Universiy Klagenfurt/Eu-project
2015 Lecture: german international school Doha/Qatar(Arabien)
2015 Lecture: UNAM/UVA University Mexico City/Mexico
2015 Presentation: University Malta
2015/16 Professorship: University Klagenfurt (Department Gender Studies)
2017 Lecture: University Klagenfurt (Department Gender Studies)
2017 Lecture: University Vienna (Deapartment Dramatics)
2017 Lecture and Presentation: Sigmund Freud University Vienna
2018 Lecture: University of Performing Arts Vienna
2018 Lecture: University Klagenfurt (Department Gender Studies)
2021-22 Lectures: Universities in Vienna (dieAngewandte, Akademie der bildenden Künste, Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst), ETH Zürich/Switzerland, Universität Klagenfurt( Conference visual culture), Kunstuniversität Linz( Department artistic research) SSHA-Konferenz in Chicago and Philadelphia/USA
2024 Lehrauftrag FH Klagenfurt (Disability-Diversity-Digitality)
2011: Innovative Kulturkonzepte and Kunstprojekte im Kontext von Migration in Kärnten. (2011) In: Jahrbuch Friedenskultur 2011; Bettina Gruber, Daniela Rippitsch (Hrsg); publishing house Drava.
2013: w.a.s.s.e.r. ein Stück Helen Keller. (2012) In: Proceedings of the 1st European mindchange conference, ebook: wwww.mindchange
2013: Wer ist the audience? (2013) In: SchmutzkübelK. FreiraumK (Eds.) ; publishing house Drava.
2014: Bewegte Räume. (2012) In: Migration bewegt und bildet; Erol Yildiz (publisher); publishing house transcript.
2014: Innovative Theaterformen: Performance in theatralen Settings unter dem Gesichtspunkt des partizipativen Moments. (2013) publishing house Akademiker.
2014: eigen_fremd. (2014) In: Migration zussammen leben. Rosalia Kopeinig und Bettina Gruber (publisher); publishing house Wieser.
2016: Konflikterinnerung und Erinnerungskonflikte in Performativität und Performance. (2014) In: Migration, Stadt und Urbanität; Christine Riegel, Erol Yildiz, Thomas Geisen (publisher); publishing house Springer.
2019: Performative Stadtgeschichte(n). von schau.Räume (Hrsg.)(2019) Klagenfurt: HermagorasVerlag.
2021: Mapping the Unseen. Ein künstlerisches Forschungsprojekt. (2021) In: Gugg, R., Wassilios, B., Sünker, H., Coelsch-Foisner, S. (Eds.)Utopie und Widerstand: Bloch, Ideologiekritik und Bildung. conflict & communication online, Vol. 20. Nr.2. 2021.https://regener-online.de/journalcco/
2021: Mapping the Unseen. (2021) In Hofstätter, B, Scheer, L. Thaler, A. (Eds.)Queer Interventions. Queer-Feminist Science and Technology Studies Forum, Volume 6. 2021. https://queersts.com/forum-queer-sts/2021: The virtual mapping of Mapping the Unseen. (2021) In the digital exhibition "free to create, create to be free" von creative europe als östereichischer Beitrag. https://freetocreate.art/
2022: schau.Räume (2022) 10 Jahre schau.Räume Wirkstätte und Werkstädte.Klagenfurt/Celovec: Hermagoras/Mohorjeva. https://www.schau.raeume.cc/was/10-jahre-schauraeume-wirkstaette-und-werkstaedte/